Pest control

Vermin can be a real nuisance. This is what you can do.


When you suffer nuisance from rats in or around your house, you need to take adequate measures yourself to remedy this. If such nuisance occurs in a public area, you can report this to the municipality. An employee will look into the cause of the problem. If the source is located in a public area, the municipality will take adequate measures. If it turns out that the nuisance comes from a privately owned area, the owner will be notified accordingly. 


The municipality does not control mice in public gardens or private properties. If you suffer from mice in or around your house, you need to take adequate counter measures yourself.

To prevent nuisance from rats and mice, there is a lot you can do yourself. Take care to tidy up and clear away all rubbish. Do not leave any food scraps outside and do not overfeed the birds in your garden.

Oak processionary caterpillar 

Each year, all oak trees in the municipality are treated with an organic spray as a preventive measure against the oak processionaries. Nevertheless, there is always a possibility that the oak processionary caterpillar appears occasionally. You can report this to the municipality. The municipality will ensure the caterpillars are removed at short notice.

In wooded areas the oaks are not treated. If there is severe nuisance, the municipality will determine whether or not the area in question is closed to the general public.

If you have one or more oak trees in your garden next to a public road, you can choose to have them treated by the municipality as a preventive measure in early spring. To this end, please contact us. 


If there is a wasp nest in your garden, you need to take adequate measures yourself. You can hire a specialist if required, but you must bear any applicable costs yourself. Upon request, the municipality can refer you to specialist firms.

Wasps’ nest in public areas can be reported to the municipality.

Bats, martens, bees

These are protected animal species and cannot be controlled.

If you have bats and martens in your house, the municipality can provide you with more information and advice about possible measures you can take.

For bee nests in your garden, the municipality can refer to a bee-master who will remove the swarm for you. Bee nests in public areas can be reported to the municipality.